- interior study: 2019
- investhor: Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny, a.s.
- author: Jan Mackovič
- collaboration: Dominika Čižmářová
- images: author's archive

The space of the entrance hall, although it consists mainly of high-quality materials, does not achieve the required qualities as a whole. Massive columns and a low ceiling create the impression of a metro station or train station. The intention of the whole study is to combine space, give it a clear purpose, and assign it a clear and unified concept. We "let the distinctive pillars" disappear "and wrap them with new functional joinery elements that grow from a single floor, thus unifying the entire interior, even with the preservation of the existing ceiling. Distinctive atypical joinery elements help us to divide a large space and create the required functional units. To the quieter southern façade we place a café, a reading room, a children's corner, meeting boxes and mobile stands. This space is equipped only with mobile elements and can therefore be used in the case of large corporate events (conferences, education, etc.). To the northern busier façade we place the gallery and Buřinka point, which will be visible as soon as we arrive at the building. The reception is located in the axis of the view. All joinery products are assigned shades of powder paint, which further underline the fusion of the entire space. Mobile furniture is decorated in the same color shades. The choice of color shade is based on the general color spectrum, where we choose a color opposite to light turquoise (company materials, existing glass cladding of pillars). We distinguish materially into "soft", "hard" and perforated joinery elements. The "soft" elements are padded with distinctive stitching and are designed to sit. The "hard" elements are made of wood and form various functions in the space (from the café counter, through the reception to the entrance gate). We use perforated elements for better light transmission from the facade. At the same time, perforated sheets are suitable for hanging paintings in a gallery wall as for climbing with plants.