Architecture is beauty and a constant struggle to achieve it.
We offer the aforementioned in the form of first consultations, projects of all stages, from studies to projects for zoning permits and building permits, implementation documentation to negotiations with the authorities, obtaining the necessary permits and supervising the construction to the general satisfaction through author's supervision. We design partial design elements, interiors, houses and urban units.
The architectural studio Mackovič architecture s.r.o. was established in 2010 and prides itself on a quality functional solution and a solid construction foundation of the house enriched with superior urban, conceptual and artistic aspects.
V současnosti v ateliéru pracují 4 architektí. Na našich zakázkách přímo spolupracujeme s odborníkem na stavební část Jakubem Killnarem. Pro spolupráci na odborných profesích využíváme náš okruh autorizovaných specialistů. Profilujeme se i zaměřením na úsporné energetické řešení domů – úzce spolupracujeme s firmou SEVEN Energy, špičkou v oboru.
In January 2013, the team was joined by landscape and ÚSES specialist Ing. Vladimír Mackovič. He expands our portfolio with his experience in urban planning - landscape protection and design, soil protection, land use and land management...
main architect:
- Ing. arch. Jan Mackovič, authorized architect ČKA 3616
Previous practice:
- 4a architekti
- Rala s.r.o. – atelier of Ing.arch. Radek Lampa
- Under-Construction architects s.r.o. (company partner)
Academic Practice:
- assistant to Prof. Jan Bočan at the FA CTU Prague
- assistant doc. Radek Lampa at the FA CTU Prague
Specialist in urban planning:
- Ing. Vladimír Mackovič, authorized landscape architect + ÚSES ČKA 651
Specialist for the civil engineering part:
- Jakub Killnar, authorized technician for civil engineering ČKAIT 0011044
Architects in the team:
- Dominika Čižmářová
- Max Kušiak
- Mikuláš Molitor
Former collaborating architects:
- Jan Šembera
- Petra Gamrátová
- Cyril Pederencino
- Tomáš Beránek
- Lucia Horkavá
- Zuzana Kučerová
- Zuzana Retterová
- Magdalena Nováková
- Martin Mihaly
- Kateřina Burešová
- Ivona Náterová
- Štěpán Štolba
He co-created the website, launched it and deserves a big thanks:
- Josef Habr
All projects and images on this website are subject to copyright law