- architectural study: 2007
- place: Zásmucká 1, Praha 3
- area: 26000 m2
- investor: GES REAL Prague Real Estate Invest, s.r.o.
- author: Libor Hrdoušek, Radek Lampa, Jan Mackovič, Petr Šindelář
- construction part: jakub killnar
- images: Michal Müller
- realization: 2015

The high-rise building OAC Millennium (or also Crystal) is located on Vinohradská třída near the intersection with Jana Želivského Street. The site itself logically encloses a miniature square on the western side, defined by Vinohradská třída, the Strojimport building and the building of the ČS stavební spořitelna. The shape of the building is reminiscent of a polished crystal with the roof ending in a horizontal section at a height of 60.0 m. The façade is designed to support the theme of the shiny glittering crystal. It is of a rectangular façade grid, with a checkerboard pattern alternating between a panel of clear glazing and a panel of sheet metal. In addition to the office space, the ground floor is used for shops, a restaurant and a café. 14 floors above ground and 4 underground floors (parking) are connected by a battery of 4 lifts.